Saturday 16 June 2012

New friends and new places!

The last few days the other interns in my group and I took a little trip to the town of Olkusz to help promote the English camp that they are putting on this summer. It was quite the little adventure.... I count it as quite an accomplishment that the three of us managed to take two trains all by ourselves to Olkusz when our Polish is pretty minimal. Three hours later we arrived safe and sound. I was very excited to see a friend and to meet some new ones.

The best part of my trip to Olkusz was seeing 6 young men and women following God's call in their lives, these leaders are planning an English camp in Olkusz for the first time and they are going to be a part of a church plant in this town. It is clear that they have a passion for God and a passion for the youth in Poland and watching them really encouraged my heart. Whether it was them speaking in the local church or watching them tell students about their camp this summer, it was obvious that God is moving in their lives and I am excited to hear about the great things that God will be doing at their camp in a few weeks.
I was reminded of the passage in Acts 2 of the early church,

 "And all who believed were together and had all things in common.  And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." ~ Acts 3:44-47

I am greatly encouraged watching the work that God is doing here in Poland and I am reminded that each day matters and in everything I do, whether in Poland or not, it should be done to share the love of Christ with everyone I meet.

I pray that these leaders would grow together as a community and that this summer and through the next year as they minister to the youth and the community around them that God would do unbelievable things in Olkusz.

Please keep my friends Lena, Damian, Michał, Ola, Krystian, and Agata in your prayers.


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